by Genny Brown
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If you have ever had the unfortunate experience of finding your home invaded by bed bugs, I can pretty much bet that you NEVER want to experience a bed bug infestation again. But, since bed bugs can go up to a year without a meal, you have to be dedicated to monitoring for any bed bug activity that you may have missed. In this article, we discuss some easy and non toxic DIY ways to keep bed bugs out of your home.
First of all, if you have treated for a bed bug infestation, you need to monitor that the bed bugs do not return. One easy and effective way to do this is to use bed bug monitors that are inexpensive and easily accessible from online pest control suppliers. Some of the monitor traps use carbon dioxide and heat as an attractant. You can check your traps regularly to see if any stray bed bugs have survived your treatment and are beginning their little bed buggy activities in your home again. Interceptor traps are another easy way to keep one step ahead of the bed bug. These traps can be placed around legs and supports of beds and sofas can potentially confirm an infestation or minimize bed bug access to your bed.
Mattress encasements and pillow encasements are a must. They limit the bed bugs' access to the small seems and crevices on your mattress that often serve as their hiding places. Having a mattress encasement will allow you to be able to better monitor your bed for any bed bug activity. High temperature steam cleaners are also available from online pest control suppliers. You can get in to a routine of regularly steaming your bed, furniture and drapes with a high heat steam to diminish the possibility that hatching eggs, or dormant bed bugs can reestablish themselves into your home. Get into the weekly schedule of performing high heat washing of all pillows, shams, comforters and dust ruffles. Although it may seem like a pain now, as you know, it is much easier than having to treat you entire home with bed bug chemicals.
Regular vacuuming is a good preventative measure as well. The key to using vacuuming with bed bug control is to empty the canister contents into a sealable plastic bag. Once you have sealed the bag, place it in a deep freezer for at least a week before relocating it to the trash bin. That way, in case you have vacuumed up any bed bugs or eggs, they will be simply moved to a different area of your home by way of the vacuum. How to get rid of bed bugs? Many pest control products such as bed bug spray, bed bug traps and many more are available on the internet with free shipping! Performing all of these easy and non toxic methods on a regular basis will help you rest assured that your home is bed bug free and your family is well protected.
In this article, we discuss some easy and non toxic DIY ways to keep bed bugs out of your home. How to get rid of bed bugs? Many pest control products such as bed bug spray, bed bug traps and many more are available on the internet with free shipping! Performing all of these easy and non toxic methods on a regular basis will help you rest assured that your home is bed bug free and your family is well protected.
Contact the Author
Genny Brown
More Details about http://www.epestsolutions.com here.

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Keywords: how to get rid of bed bugs, bed bug spray, bud bug traps
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