Sunday 30 September 2012

Portland Coastguard aids ill man on boat in West Africa

A member of crew on a boat off the coast of West Africa has received medical treatment thanks to a call thousands of miles away in Dorset.

Portland Coastguard were contacted by the vessel?s Dorset-based skipper over the plight of a crew member.

The man, who had a mouth abscess, was working onboard the survey boat more than 3,000 miles away.

The coastguard linked the boat?s call to a doctor at the Queen Alexandra hospital, Portsmouth.

A spokesman said: ?He didn?t know who else to call.

?We linked the two telephone calls together and they were able to give advise.?

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B&N makes the Nook Simple Touch with GlowLight's $20 price drop official

The Nook's $20 price drop is more than the whim of a few major retailers -- it's Barnes & Noble's new MSRP. Following Walmart and Target's recent discounts, the company's own website is now listing the glowing e-reader at its new $119 price. The reduction is almost assuredly in preparation for Amazon's Kindle Paperwhite, as B&N's announcement makes a point of bragging about the Simple Touch with Glowlight's included AC adapter and aversion to built-in ads. See the punchy press release for yourself after the break.

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B&N makes the Nook Simple Touch with GlowLight's $20 price drop official originally appeared on Engadget on Sun, 30 Sep 2012 13:11:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Saturday 29 September 2012

Pictures show mystery Android tablet in North Korea; Google takes note

At an electronics trade fair in North Korea where approved technology was on display, a mystery tablet made an appearance. A picture shows Choi Cheol Min of Chosun Computer holding in his hands, what looks to be a tablet running Android on a 10 inch screen. The trade fair took place in the capital of Pyongyang, and information about the device is hard to obtain. There is a clue in the form of a box that reads Samjiyo, spotted in the background. This is a North Korean tablet introduced in June.Since North Koreans are not allowed access to the internet, we'd imagine that while Android is running the tablet, you are not going to find Google applications on board. And unlike the Amazon Kindle Fire, you probably can't purchase content. Speaking of Google, it seems that Google's Seoul office has taken a keen interest in the picture. Not that Google could do much about this because after all, Android is an open source OS. There would be a violation only if the tablet runs proprietary applications like Google Play or Gmail.

Another picture from the event shows U.S. dollars changing hands in the purchase of the tablet. So let's see if we get this straight. In North Korea, capitalism is taboo but they accept the fruits of it (U.S. currency) for a product with its technological roots in the states (Android). It's a crazy, crazy world we live in.

source: WSJ ? AndroidCentral


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Stewart has Wile E. fix for Netanyahu's U.N. bomb

Comedy Central

By Craig Berman, NBC News contributor

As Jon Stewart has mentioned a time or 20, the United Nations does nothing so well as disrupt traffic patterns in New York, thus making his daily commute longer and less predictable. It?s only fair that the international discussion forum also provide some material for "The Daily Show," and that?s what he was hoping for when Iran and its nuclear ambition took the stage Thursday.

Stewart, and the rest of the world, was expecting fireworks. After all, it?s been in the news for weeks, and who knows what those wacky world leaders will do when the cameras are on and the translators are hard at work. First came the threatening words of President Obama:

"Here it comes people! President Obama?s gonna be like 'It?s 0800. Bombing starts in an hour'," Stewart said.

Alas, for Stewart, that was not the case. "America wants to solve this through diplomacy. It?s time to heed the words of Gandhi. Intolerance is itself a form of violence, an obstacle to the growth of a true democratic spirit," President Obama said.

Not exactly "my way of the highway" there. But not to worry. We could surely expect more from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

"I do not believe that Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and others have any problems among themselves or have any problems against each other. They get along together comfortably," Ahmadinejad said.

OK. Everyone loves peaceful words, but that?s a bit of a stretch. Unless, as Stewart said, ?If by comfortably, you mean ?with near-constant bloodshed.?? But no worries ? Ahmadinejad was about to attack the host nation with all of the material in his arsenal.

"Are we to believe that those who would spend hundreds of millions of dollars on election campaigns have the interest of others in their hearts?" the Iranian President asked.

There you go. Forget about nuclear weapons. Ahmadinejad is all about campaign finance reform.

But there was one leader who wanted to talk Iranian nukes: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. His speech came with its own prop, a cartoon-style drawing of a bomb with a red line conveniently added.

"What?s with the Wile E. Coyote Nuclear Bomb?" Stewart asked. "You?re going to pretend you don?t know what a nuclear bomb looks like? You?re Israel. Run downstairs and look in the basement."

It?s not over yet
Steven Colbert stuck to domestic issues. After he was finished promoting his upcoming book, he had Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney?s back in expressing his lack of concern about the poll numbers. After all, there?s still 40 days until Election Day.

"A lot can happen in 40 days. Obama could make a gaffe. Mitt could win the debates. God could send a flood that destroys all mankind," Colbert noted.

And he liked that most polls have Romney doing better among engaged voters. "He?s much closer among the extremely interested. ? and he?s up two points if you count only voters who are psychotically engaged."

So there you go. Between the hyper-engaged and the prospect of divine intervention, Colbert things Romney has nothing to worry about.

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Where did the mammoth U.S. budget deficits come from?

What?s the cause of the federal government?s huge budget deficits? That?s a question that is harder to answer in the particular than you might think. The general problem is obvious: Uncle Sam has been spending more money than he takes in. The specific reasons as to why this state of affairs exists are a mix of human decisions, economic circumstance, and the cumulative effect of time.

Context is important here. So let?s start with 2001. That year, the Congressional Budget Office looked out over the decade to come and saw ahead nothing but blue skies and black ink. It predicted that between 2001 and 2011 the US would run budget surpluses totaling $5.6 trillion.

That didn?t happen. Instead, the US racked up $6.1 trillion in deficits over that period. CBO?s prediction was a whopping $11.7 trillion off the mark. How did things go so wrong?

CBO has gone back and studied that, as it happens. In a paper published earlier this year, the group?s economists tried to pull out and compare the reasons for the multitrillion swing.

RECOMMENDED: Obama vs. Romney 101: 5 ways they differ on debt and deficits

One big problem was that CBO isn?t magical. Unblessed with the ability to predict the future, it didn?t accurately foresee the economic troubles of coming years, including the crash of the Great Recession. This meant that less tax money came in than anticipated. Overall, CBO says that about $3.3 trillion of its $11.7 prediction error can be attributed to ?economic and technical changes? to projected revenues.

Then there were the tax cuts. President George W. Bush instigated most of these, but President Obama also pushed through Congress a payroll tax cut intended to pump money into a moribund economy. Tax cuts accounted for a further $2.8 trillion of the $11.7 trillion discrepancy. (Yes, the big kahuna here is Mr. Bush?s 2001 reduction in income-tax rates, which alone accounts for about $1.2 trillion in revenue foregone over the decade.)

Finally, there are the increases in outflows unpredicted by CBO. Between 2001 and 2011, increased discretionary spending amounted to about $3 trillion. This category includes defense spending related to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, homeland security upgrades in the US, spending on food stamps and other hard-times safety net programs, and other general budget categories that are supposed to be approved annually by Congress.

Mandatory spending ? a category that includes the Medicare prescription-drug program approved under Bush, the TARP bank bailout, and Mr. Obama?s economic stimulus package ? went up by about $1.4 trillion during the period in question. (This type of outflow is called ?mandatory? not because we had to do it, but because it results from formulas established by Congress instead of appropriated dollar totals.)

Charles Blahous, a former economic official in the Bush White House who is currently a Hoover Institution research fellow, has rolled all these numbers together into a simple pie chart. His answer to the question ?where did the $11.7 trillion go?? is this: 27 percent went away due to projection inaccuracy; 24 percent went to tax cuts; and 49 percent can be accounted for by various forms of increased spending.

Yes, yes, but who?s to blame? It?s election season, after all, and accusations as to which party is responsible for most of this damage are as thick on the ground as October leaves after a windstorm. Asked why the debt has increased during his four years in office during a ?60 Minutes? interview last week, Mr. Obama pointed a finger at his predecessor:

?Over the last four years, the deficit has gone up, but 90 percent of that is as a consequence of two wars that weren?t paid for, as a consequence of tax cuts that weren?t paid for, a prescription-drug plan that was not paid for, and then the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.?

That answer is not accurate. Obama appeared to be talking about numbers that reflect the cumulative debt since 2001, not just his term. According to a White House-produced chart on the national debt, if you take the 10-year period of 2001 to 2011, Bush policies accounted for 55 percent of that figure. Obama-initiated policies such as the stimulus accounted for 11 percent, while the recession took care of the rest.

(The White House chart puts the total debt at $12.7 trillion, not $11.7 trillion, as does the CBO. The White House uses different underlying economic assumptions.)

But even that chart is something of an apples-to-mangoes comparison. Bush was president for eight years, and Obama for three. This is where the passage of time comes in ? Bush?s tax cuts in particular had more time to accumulate and thus appear as a bigger part of the overall picture than the later-arriving Obama stimulus package.

Washington Post fact checker Glenn Kessler has looked at this in depth, and made his attempt at adding up who is responsible for the $1.3 trillion 2011 deficit alone. His rough estimate is that economic factors accounted for about 46 percent of this single-year shortfall, while Obama policies accounted for 44 percent, and Bush-era policies for about 10 percent.

Splitting up deficit causes by administration may be politically interesting. It?s possible, though, that it?s effectively pointless, in that it doesn?t lead to a better understanding of the choices that will confront US policymakers in years to come.

A more useful way of looking at things could be to reslice deficit numbers into cyclical and structural figures. The cyclical deficit is caused by stuff that varies from year to year, like food stamp spending, which is driven by unemployment. The structural deficit is welded into the structure of the federal budget like steel beams. It reflects chronic problems that only worsen, such as the rising cost of health care.

According to CBO, about $367 billion of the $1.3 trillion 2011 deficit was caused by cyclical stuff. Some $928 billion was structural. This is the part we really need to worry about, according to such budget watchdog groups as the Concord Coalition.

The most important of these structural factors should come as no surprise. They are the aging of the baby boom population, which will drive up the number of people enrolled in Social Security and Medicare; and the continued increase in health-care costs, which makes Medicare, Medicaid, and other government health-care programs more expensive on a per-person basis.

Population aging accounts for 64 percent of the cost growth of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid through 2035, according to a Concord Coalition analysis published earlier this year. Thirty-six percent is due to rising health-care costs.

?Borrowing our way through this is not a viable option because the rising cost of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid is not a temporary blip. It gets bigger with time. Incurring permanently rising debt would result in staggering interest costs and ultimately a total debt burden that would crush the economy,? concludes the Concord Coalition analysis.

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Friday 28 September 2012

10 Things to Know for Friday

Referee Gene Steratore, right, and back judge Bob Waggoner, left, look around the field before an NFL football game between the Baltimore Ravens and Cleveland Browns in Baltimore, Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

Referee Gene Steratore, right, and back judge Bob Waggoner, left, look around the field before an NFL football game between the Baltimore Ravens and Cleveland Browns in Baltimore, Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about Friday:


The U.S. secretary of state hopes diplomacy can avoid the military action the Israeli leader urges.


Yes, the real refs are back. The stadium erupted in a roar and official harmony was restored to the NFL as the Ravens beat the Browns 23-16


Obama and Romney face off Wednesday, aware of what tripped up Nixon, Gore and the first President Bush.


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The Detroit probe follows decades of unfounded reports that the Teamster boss's body was entombed under Giants Stadium, discarded in a Florida swamp or buried at several Motor City locations.


Police say what appeared to be an attempted late-night burglary turned tragic when a father shot his son.


The show's creator says Johnny Lewis, found dead in Los Angeles, "had lost his way" when he took the life of the landlady "thrown into his destructive path."


A man opened fire inside a Minneapolis sign company killing four people before taking his own life.


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Amplats says taking action against South Africa strikers

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - The world's top platinum producer, Anglo American Platinum, has started disciplinary action including possible dismissal against workers taking part in an illegal strike in South Africa, the company said on Thursday.

The company, a unit of global mining giant Anglo American, also said that attendance at its four mines near Rustenburg, 120 km (70 miles) northwest of Johannesburg, remained below 20 percent despite repeated threats to get tough.

A wave of wildcat strikes is roiling South Africa's mining sector despite the end of an illegal six-week stoppage at platinum producer Lonmin in which 46 people were killed.

Amplats' chief executive Chris Griffith said on Wednesday the company would start making good on threats to sack workers if they did not report for duty within 24 hours.

"Despite repeatedly urging our employees to come back to work, attendance at our Rustenburg operations remains low," he said. "We have been left with no choice but to initiate disciplinary action, which could lead to dismissals."

Rustenburg labor activist and community representative Mametlwe Sebei struck a defiant tone, saying striking Amplats workers were not intimidated by the ultimatum.

"No amount of threats are going to move our workers from their demands," he told Reuters.

The demands include an increase in a minimum monthly wage to 12,500 rand ($1,500), more than double that currently earned by those at the bottom of the pay scale.

When rival Impala Platinum fired 17,000 illegal strikers in the same area in January, it unleashed a wave of violence that closed its Rustenburg operation, the world's largest platinum mine, for 6 weeks. Three people were killed.

ANC outcast Julius Malema, a populist who has backed the wildcat strikes and called for the nationalization of South Africa's mines, is due to address Implats' workers later on Thursday to encourage them to press for higher wages.

Close to 75,000 workers are on strike or being prevented from going to work in South Africa's mining sector, including at mines run by the world's third- and fourth-biggest bullion producers, AngloGold Ashanti and Gold Fields.

(Additional reporting by Pascal Fletcher; Writing by Ed Stoddard; Editing by Ed Cropley)


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Uptick in cinematic smoking?

Uptick in cinematic smoking [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Sep-2012
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Contact: Elizabeth Fernandez
University of California - San Francisco

More onscreen tobacco use in movies aimed at young viewers

Top box office films last year showed more onscreen smoking than the prior year, reversing five years of steady progress in reducing tobacco imagery in movies, according to a new UCSF study.

Moreover, many of the top-grossing films of 2011 with significant amounts of smoking targeted a young audience, among them the PG-rated cartoon Rango and X-Men: First Class." The more smoking young people see in movies, the more likely they are to start smoking, the U.S. Surgeon General has reported.

The study will be available September 27, 2012 in Preventing Chronic Disease Journal, an online, peer-reviewed publication of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.

"Hollywood has still not fixed this problem," said lead author Stanton A. Glantz, PhD, a professor of medicine at UCSF and director of the Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education. "The result of the increase in onscreen smoking in youth-rated films will be more kids starting to smoke and developing tobacco-induced disease."

The UCSF study was conducted in conjunction with Thumbs Up! Thumbs Down!, a project of Breathe California of Sacramento-Emigrant Trails, which annually tracks tobacco use in the nation's top-grossing movies.

Altogether, the 134 top-grossing films of 2011 depicted nearly 1,900 tobacco "incidents," the analysis found. An incident is defined as one use or implied use (such as a lit cigarette) of a tobacco product by an actor.

Total tobacco incidents per movie rose seven percent from 2010 to 2011. Among movies rated G, PG or PG-13, smoking incidents per movie soared by 36 percent.

The data was obtained by counting tobacco incidents in movies whose box office sales ranked in the top 10 for at least a week.

Some of the films that showed the most smoking were "period" movies, such as "The Help," "Midnight in Paris," and "Hugo," which depicted an era when smoking was more common than it is today. But others were fantasy films, including "Cowboys & Aliens," "Green Hornet" and "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1," which were aimed squarely at the youth market, noted Glantz.

"Movies continue to deliver billions of smoking images to adolescents," the authors reported. In stark contrast to prior years, the three major film companies that have adopted policies designed to discourage smoking in their movies depicted just as many tobacco incidents per youth-rated movie as companies that lack tobacco use policies.

Those three studios with tobacco reduction policies are: Time Warner (established policy in 2005), Comcast (2007) and Disney (2004). The three companies with no such policies: Viacom, News Corp. and Sony.

The study authors, noting that about two-thirds of subsidies for top-grossing movies are earmarked for productions with smoking, recommended that health departments work with policy makers to correlate movie subsidies with public health interests in reducing smoking.

"These results underscore a need for an industry-wide policy to keep smoking out of films marketed to youth," Glantz said. "An R rating for movies with smoking would give film producers an incentive to keep smoking out of movies aimed at young viewers. The exception would be when the movie clearly reflects the dangers and consequences of tobacco use, or represents the smoking of a real historical figure."

Tobacco, the leading cause of preventable and premature death, kills an estimated 443,000 Americans annually, according to the United States Department of Health and Human Services. Every day in the U.S., an estimated 3,800 young people smoke a cigarette for the first time, the agency reported earlier this year.


For top-grossing movies with the most tobacco use:

Co-authors are Anne Iaccopucci, youth program manager, and Kori Titus, chief executive officer, of Breathe California of Sacramento-Emigrant Trails; and Jonathan R. Polansky, a consultant with Onbeyond LLC.

The analysis was funded by the American Legacy Foundation.

For decades, Glantz and UCSF have been at the forefront of tobacco research, disclosing how the tobacco industry manipulated its products and led the public into cigarette addiction. Smoke Free Movies, a project run by Glantz at UCSF, centers on reducing cinematic smoking. The UCSF Legacy Library, now 12 years old, has more than 13 million documents on file that were released as a result of litigation against the major tobacco companies related to their advertising, manufacturing, marketing, sales, political, public relations and scientific activities.

UCSF is a leading university dedicated to promoting health worldwide through advanced biomedical research, graduate-level education in the life sciences and health professions, and excellence in patient care.

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Uptick in cinematic smoking [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Sep-2012
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Contact: Elizabeth Fernandez
University of California - San Francisco

More onscreen tobacco use in movies aimed at young viewers

Top box office films last year showed more onscreen smoking than the prior year, reversing five years of steady progress in reducing tobacco imagery in movies, according to a new UCSF study.

Moreover, many of the top-grossing films of 2011 with significant amounts of smoking targeted a young audience, among them the PG-rated cartoon Rango and X-Men: First Class." The more smoking young people see in movies, the more likely they are to start smoking, the U.S. Surgeon General has reported.

The study will be available September 27, 2012 in Preventing Chronic Disease Journal, an online, peer-reviewed publication of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.

"Hollywood has still not fixed this problem," said lead author Stanton A. Glantz, PhD, a professor of medicine at UCSF and director of the Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education. "The result of the increase in onscreen smoking in youth-rated films will be more kids starting to smoke and developing tobacco-induced disease."

The UCSF study was conducted in conjunction with Thumbs Up! Thumbs Down!, a project of Breathe California of Sacramento-Emigrant Trails, which annually tracks tobacco use in the nation's top-grossing movies.

Altogether, the 134 top-grossing films of 2011 depicted nearly 1,900 tobacco "incidents," the analysis found. An incident is defined as one use or implied use (such as a lit cigarette) of a tobacco product by an actor.

Total tobacco incidents per movie rose seven percent from 2010 to 2011. Among movies rated G, PG or PG-13, smoking incidents per movie soared by 36 percent.

The data was obtained by counting tobacco incidents in movies whose box office sales ranked in the top 10 for at least a week.

Some of the films that showed the most smoking were "period" movies, such as "The Help," "Midnight in Paris," and "Hugo," which depicted an era when smoking was more common than it is today. But others were fantasy films, including "Cowboys & Aliens," "Green Hornet" and "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1," which were aimed squarely at the youth market, noted Glantz.

"Movies continue to deliver billions of smoking images to adolescents," the authors reported. In stark contrast to prior years, the three major film companies that have adopted policies designed to discourage smoking in their movies depicted just as many tobacco incidents per youth-rated movie as companies that lack tobacco use policies.

Those three studios with tobacco reduction policies are: Time Warner (established policy in 2005), Comcast (2007) and Disney (2004). The three companies with no such policies: Viacom, News Corp. and Sony.

The study authors, noting that about two-thirds of subsidies for top-grossing movies are earmarked for productions with smoking, recommended that health departments work with policy makers to correlate movie subsidies with public health interests in reducing smoking.

"These results underscore a need for an industry-wide policy to keep smoking out of films marketed to youth," Glantz said. "An R rating for movies with smoking would give film producers an incentive to keep smoking out of movies aimed at young viewers. The exception would be when the movie clearly reflects the dangers and consequences of tobacco use, or represents the smoking of a real historical figure."

Tobacco, the leading cause of preventable and premature death, kills an estimated 443,000 Americans annually, according to the United States Department of Health and Human Services. Every day in the U.S., an estimated 3,800 young people smoke a cigarette for the first time, the agency reported earlier this year.


For top-grossing movies with the most tobacco use:

Co-authors are Anne Iaccopucci, youth program manager, and Kori Titus, chief executive officer, of Breathe California of Sacramento-Emigrant Trails; and Jonathan R. Polansky, a consultant with Onbeyond LLC.

The analysis was funded by the American Legacy Foundation.

For decades, Glantz and UCSF have been at the forefront of tobacco research, disclosing how the tobacco industry manipulated its products and led the public into cigarette addiction. Smoke Free Movies, a project run by Glantz at UCSF, centers on reducing cinematic smoking. The UCSF Legacy Library, now 12 years old, has more than 13 million documents on file that were released as a result of litigation against the major tobacco companies related to their advertising, manufacturing, marketing, sales, political, public relations and scientific activities.

UCSF is a leading university dedicated to promoting health worldwide through advanced biomedical research, graduate-level education in the life sciences and health professions, and excellence in patient care.

Follow UCSF | | |

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Thursday 27 September 2012

Bizarre tumor case may lead to custom cancer care

It's a medical nightmare: a 24-year-old man endures 350 surgeries since childhood to remove growths that keep coming back in his throat and have spread to his lungs, threatening his life. Now doctors have found a way to help him by way of a scientific coup that holds promise for millions of cancer patients.

The bizarre case is the first use in a patient of a new discovery: how to keep ordinary and cancerous cells alive indefinitely in the lab.

The discovery allows doctors to grow "mini tumors" from each patient's cancer in a lab dish, then test various drugs or combinations on them to see which works best. It takes only a few cells from a biopsy and less than two weeks to do, with materials and methods common in most hospitals.

Although the approach needs much more testing against many different types of cancer, researchers think it could offer a cheap, simple way to personalize treatment without having to analyze each patient's genes.

"We see a lot of potential for it," said one study leader, Dr. Richard Schlegel, pathology chief at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center in Washington. "Almost everyone could do it easily."

An independent expert agreed.

For infections, it's routine to grow bacteria from a patient in lab dishes to see which antibiotics work best, Dr. George Q. Daley of Children's Hospital Boston and the Harvard Stem Cell Institute said in an email. "But this has never been possible with cancer cells because they don't easily grow in culture," he said.

The new technique may reveal in advance whether a person would be helped by a specific chemotherapy, without risking side effects and lost time if the drug doesn't work. "Pretty nifty," Daley wrote.

In the case of the 24-year-old, described in Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine, lab-dish tests suggested that a drug used to treat a type of blood cancer and some other unrelated conditions might help.

It's not a drug that doctors would have thought to try, because the man technically does not have cancer. But his lung tumor shrank after a few months of treatment, and he has been stable for more than a year. He still has to have operations to remove throat growths that keep coming back, but only about once every five months.

The man, an information technology specialist in suburban Washington who asked to remain anonymous to protect his privacy, has recurrent respiratory papillomatosis, or RRP. It's usually due to infection at birth with certain types of a virus, HPV, that causes genital warts.

The condition causes wartlike growths in the throat, usually around the voice box. These growths usually are noncancerous but can turn malignant, and even benign ones can prove fatal if they spread to the lungs. The main treatment is surgery, usually with lasers to vaporize the growths and keep them from choking off the airway or making it hard to talk.

About 10,000 or more people in the U.S. have the disease, said Jennifer Woo, president of the RRP Foundation. Woo, 29, is a medical student at Georgetown and one of the researchers on the study. She also has the condition but said it is confined to her throat and has required only about 20 surgeries so far.

The man in the study has a much more serious case.

"I was diagnosed when I was 3 or 4. At first, I had to have surgery every 7 to 10 days," the man said in a phone interview. "I get short of breath and my voice will get more hoarse."

Two years ago, the growths to his lungs became extensive and life-threatening, and his physician, Dr. Scott Myers, described the condition at a meeting of Georgetown hospital specialists. "It's crushing the airway," Myers said.

Doctors suggested that the new lab method pioneered by Schlegel and others might help. It borrows an idea from stem cell researchers: adding mouse cells for nourishment, plus a chemical that prevents cell death to an ordinary lab culture medium. That enabled healthy and cancerous cells to keep growing indefinitely.

Researchers grew "mini tumors" from the man's lung mass and from healthy tissue and screened various drugs against them. One proved ineffective. Another worked against the tumor but at too high a dose to be safe. The third did the trick.

A similar approach could let doctors screen drugs for cancer patients.

"What could be more personalized than taking this person's cell, growing it in culture, finding a drug to treat them and then treat them?" said Doug Melton, co-director of the Harvard Stem Cell Institute. The Georgetown method gives an answer quickly enough that it could save lives, he said.

Tyler Jacks, a cancer researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and former president of the American Association for Cancer Research, said the next step is to show that this could work for many different cancers and that it leads to better outcomes in patients.

"It seems to have worked in this one instance, but other tumors might prove to be more challenging," he said.

The National Institutes of Health paid for much of this work and has already sent research teams to Georgetown to learn the method. About a dozen other universities have done the same, Schlegel said.

So far, his lab has grown prostate, breast, lung and colon cancer cells.

Georgetown University is seeking a patent on the method.


AP Science Writer Malcolm Ritter contributed to this report from New York.



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The Butterfly Retreat Chapter II | Grand Strand Happening

The Butterfly Retreat Chapter II, an amazing weekend for women designed to awaken their hearts, mind, body & soul, Returns to North Myrtle Beach!

Come for the weekend or for a day!

October 19 -21 will be a weekend to remember for the guests who attend The Butterfly Retreat. Our journey will begin at check in Friday afternoon with beach YOGA or happy hour at the oceanfront tiki bar! Then, everyone will gather for the early evening oceanfront dinner under the stars. We will be entertained by hilarious comedian, Marilou Clark! Enlightening guest speakers will truly awaken our hearts, mind, and soul. We are going to learn how to live life to the fullest and find true joy in our everyday life! Late night guided meditation will also be offered.

Throughout the weekend, dynamic speakers will be sure to change some lives. Topics include; discovering your life?s passion, finding true Joy in life, Experience the effects of Touch Energy healing, Health, wellness, diet and nutrition experts, De-stressing/ peace management, brain core therapy, a fabulous fitness Guru will share her unique philosophies and exercises for the body inside and out, and Carpe Diem!

Saturday guests can choose from several different workshops and classes that deal with an array of topics. Finding your passion as seen on OPRAH, YOGA, self-defense, Zumba, alternative health, wellness, nutrition and diet, self-hypnosis, past life regression, wine tasting, unique exercise for the body-inside and out, discovering the benefits of social media, water aerobics, meditation, creating our own vision boards, plus more?

Sunday, we will close with an entertaining and delicious brunch together. We will share this experience with women of all ages in a friendly, non-judgmental, open, setting where new friends and old friends will connect on many different levels and leave feeling rejuvenated!

All of this will take place in the beautiful oceanfront Beach Cove Resort! Every room has a private balcony with serene ocean view. Palm trees surround the pools and oceanfront tiki bar make the natural atmosphere relaxing, a place where you feel like you can just stop and breathe. This is the perfect retreat for The Butterfly Retreat Chapter II. Indoor and outdoor pools, hot tubs, racquetball and much more.

All inclusive rate of $260 includes; full access to everything the retreat has to offer, delicious meals, awesome accommodations, and resort amenities! A la Carte special daily rates available also. Check the Saturday All Day special rates on line. Visit for all of the information and registration Or call Jennifer Lombardi @ (843) 450-0637. Hosted by Extraordinary Events by Jennifer Lombardi.

Editor?s note:? We attended the last one and it?s a weekend to remember!


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From The Heart - Kids & Teens under 18 years old - Auditions ...

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Audition Details
Production Title: From The Heart ? Use your smartphone camera to scan this image and load this profile on your mobile phones browser.

For smartphones

Expires: in 35 days
Union: Non Union
Gender: Both
Pay: No
Age under 18: Yes
Talent needed: 20

Audition Breakdown:
A love story about two young children who profess love to each other but go their separate ways as time goes on to live different lives. They never forget each other as they get older one adult loses their spouse to illness and the other adult gets divorced. They eventually meet again to reunite i.....

Any Gender, Age From: 7 To 8 Years
leads and friends
Any Gender, Age From: 13 To 14 Years
Leads and Friends
Any Gender, Age From: 23 To 26 Years
Leads and friends
Any Gender, Age From: 43 To 46 Years
Leads and Friends
Any Gender, Age From: 53 To 56 Years
Leads and Friends

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Wednesday 26 September 2012

Obituaries for September 25, 2012 | Sonora / Tuolumne News ...

Chalmer Porter ?C.P.? Collinsworth

Oct. 19, 1918 ? Sept. 20, 2012

Sonora resident Chalmer Porter ?C.P.? Collinsworth died Sept. 20 at Meadow View Manor in Sonora. He was 93.

Mr. Collinsworth was born in Ukiah and grew up in Strathmore, Tulare County. He was a World War II veteran and a longtime resident of Oakdale. He moved to Porterville following the death of his wife, Emma Jean Collinsworth. He lived in Sonora, near family, for the last year of his life.

Mr. Collinsworth began his career at Montgomery Ward and left the company as western regional manager. He was also a former Oakdale City councilman. He was Oakdale?s first ?Man of the Year,? because of his charitable work and community involvement.?

He was a member of the founding consortium to build Oakdale Golf and Country Club. He was a member of St. Mary?s Parish, Catholic Charities, Lion?s Club, Oakdale Chamber of Commerce and SCORE.

Mr. Collinsworth enjoyed spending time with family and close friends, especially during holidays.

He was preceded in death by his wife, Emma Jean (Heitsuman) Collinsworth; parents, Homer and Maude (Pugh) Collinsworth; and siblings, Leonard, Lester and Bertha.

He is survived by children and their spouses, Janice Lee Collinsworth, of Spokane, Wash., Gary and Pam (Macsenti) Collinsworth, of Sonora, and Gregg and Karinne (Giamona) Collinsworth, of Menlo Park; his brother and sister-in-law, Ernest and Jean Collinsworth, of Medford, Ore.; his former wife, Edythe Lewis, of Porterville; seven grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild.

A donation in his name may be made to St. Anthony?s Foundation, 150 Golden Gate Ave., San Francisco, CA 94102, or Catholic Charities, 14855 Mono Way, Suite 101, Sonora, CA 95370.

Services were held Monday.

Terzich and Wilson Funeral Home handled arrangements.

Anthony D. ?Tony? Garcia Jr.

Aug. 23, 1939 ? Sept. 14, 2012

Sonora resident Anthony D. ?Tony? Garcia Jr. died Sept. 14 at Stanford University Medical Center. He was 73.?

Mr. Garcia was born in San Jose and lived in Sonora for nine years. He worked as a dairyman in Los Banos and Atwater for 20 years. He also worked in the auto parts industry for most of his life. He was a partner in Merced Clutch and Brake and owned Merced Filter Battery and Electric. He also served as a counter person and sales representative for Merced TBA and Sonora Auto Parts.

He served in the U.S. Army Reserve during the Vietnam War. He was a past member of the Buhach Portuguese Men?s Pentecost Organization.?

Mr. Garcia was preceded in death by his father, Anthony D. Garcia Sr.; and his mother, Florence Garcia.

He is survived by sons, Duane Garcia, of Atwater and Anthony Garcia, of Ceres; daughters, Lori Wagner, of San Jose, Sherie Taylor, of Atwater, ToniAnn Gatzke, of Pleasanton, Nichole Weiss, of Ione and Linda Toste, of Ceres; his fiancee, Judy Heil, of Sonora; and 13 grandchildren.

A funeral Mass will be celebrated at 11 a.m. Wednesday at St. John Vianney Catholic Church, 4601 Hyland Ave., San Jose, CA 95127. Entombment will follow at Calvary Catholic Cemetery in San Jose.?

A donation in his name may be made to Heredity Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia Foundation,

Beddingfield Funeral Services in Moorpark is handling arrangements.?

Ronnell Marie Mello

April 29, 1975 ? Aug. 18, 2012

Former Tuolumne County resident Ronnell Marie Mello died Aug. 18 at a friend?s home in Newman. She was 37.

Ms. Mello was born in San Andreas and lived in Tuolumne County for 25 years. She graduated from Summerville High School in 1993 and earned an associate?s degree in child development from Columbia College.

She worked with disabled children at Tucci Learning Solutions in Marina, Monterey County.?

She enjoyed music and photography.?

Ms. Mello attended Peaceful Valley Church and its youth group while in Tuolumne County. She also enjoyed singing.

Ms. Mello was preceded in death by her grandmother, Mitzi Berry.

She is survived by her mother, Earleen Gaudette, of Sonora; her father, Marvin James Mello, of Manteca; grandparents, Ronald Earl Berry, of Sonora, and Tony and Virginia Mello, of Escalon; her sister, Kimbra Rae Gaudette, of Rocklin; a nephew, Braylon Davis, of Rocklin; and numerous aunts, uncles and cousins.?

A celebration of life will be held at 1 p.m. Oct. 6 at the Lazy Z Ranch in Sonora.

Salas Brothers Funeral Chapel in Newman is handling arrangements.?

Ruby Lucille (Wright) Ray

June 6, 1925 ? July 9, 2012

Jamestown resident Ruby Lucille (Wright) Ray died July 9 at Sonora Regional Medical Center long term care unit. She was 87.

Mrs. Wright was born in Weatherford, Okla.?

She worked as a riveter in Oklahoma City during World War II and moved to California in 1944 to be closer to family.

She worked as a cocktail waitress at the Elks Club in Paradise, in Butte County. She also lived in Manteca before settling in Jamestown 22 years ago.?

Mrs. Ray enjoyed dancing and practiced tri-chem painting for more than 40 years.?

She was a member of two chapters of the Red Hat Society and a woman?s club in Sonora.?

Mrs. Ray was preceded in death by her husband of 37 years, Robert Ray, in 2007; her parents, Roy Wright, in 1971, and Irene Wright, in 1991; and all three of her children, James Lee Elliott, in 1968, Deborah Elliott, in 1992, and Larry Elliott, in 2003; and her brothers, Eldon Wright, in 1963, and Dale Wright in 2000.?

She is survived by her siblings, Melba Price, of Sonora, Erma Wright, of Nevada, and Wilber Wright and Ray Wright, both of Idaho; one grandchild, Melodee Nelson, of Modesto; and two great-grandchildren.?

Services were held Sept. 1 at Parkview Cemetery in Manteca.?

Terzich and Wilson Funeral Home handled the arrangements.?


GREENE ? Judy Greene, 99, of Sonora, died Friday at Avalon Care Center of Sonora. Terzich and Wilson Funeral Home is handling arrangements.?

PENNEL ? Ronald J. Pennel, 76, of Groveland, died Friday at Avalon Care Center of Sonora. Heuton Memorial Chapel is handling arrangements.?

RIX ? Raymond Rix, 63, of Tuolumne, died Sunday at his home. Terzich and Wilson Funeral Home is handling arrangements.?


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Conway real estate offers more for your dollar - WMBF News

CONWAY, SC (WMBF) -?If you're looking for a home, realtors will tell you you'll get much more space for your dollar in Conway, but that's not all.?WMBF News?went shopping for a closer look at the market and the values.

From the background sound of church bell chimes, to the priceless scenes of nature, it's a place where time seems to freeze.

"1910 Circa, yes, the home was lived in for the past 100 years or so," explains realtor Don Howard of Ray Realty.

Howard has been selling homes in Conway for nearly 20 years, and he says the neighborhood is something you just can't get at the beach.

"We have downtown, we have a city hall, everything here, we have the river, we have a college football team that is very close to us. We have a great many amenities," announces Howard, "and all the amenities at the beach are ours, to enjoy, except the price."

Those prices are all based on location, the closer to the ocean, the more you pay, for less space.

"Conway's one price, get into Carolina Forest [and]?it goes up some, once you get across the Intracoastal Waterway, you'll see a substantial jump and you get to the oceanside and it is very substantial," specifies Howard.

Since Conway is a less seasonal market than Myrtle Beach, Howard says home values haven't rebounded as much or as quickly, but he's happy with what he's seeing.

"Our closed sales numbers are up, we're closing more sales this year than we were a year ago," claims Howard.

At?$480,000, fewer buyers may be in the budget for the classic home at 511 laurel street, however, for the price, Howard says you get 3,400 heated square feet, plus two 2 bedroom, 1 bath rental apartments and a workshop.

"It's untouchable for its listing price, nothing like it in the whole market," says Howard excitedly.

There's an original picture reminding you of what the house looked like before neighbors and paved roads, all original hardwood floors, a 2005 architect designed renovation with custom granite and cupboards, and a luxurious master bathroom with a giant Jacuzzi. Of course the inventory varies, for $229,000 there's a 4 bedroom, 2 bath home with 2,800 heated square feet.

"You can't duplicate these homes for anywhere near what they're selling for," states Howard.?

Howard is hoping to duplicate sales numbers of the past, and while he knows Conway will never compete with the ocean, he says the only way to improve value is to remind people that Conway offers a different living experience.

"Conway is a lazy river country town that has got all the southern charm of anywhere else in South Carolina," Howard claims.

Realtors say the Conway market started to see home values and the number of sales increase last year. But with record interest rates, they say now is the time to buy.

Copyright 2012 WMBF News. All rights reserved.


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Should You Worry About Fraud When Buying a Home? | Nolo's Real ...

Various forms of real estate fraud are on the rise, the news tells us. The biggest one making headlines is ?collusion,? which we?re told affected fewer than 5% of real estate transactions before 2009, but doubled by 2010, and then fell only a little, to 6.8%, in 2011. (See ?Housing prices: Agents make houses sell for a lot less. On purpose,? by Schuyler Velasco of the Christian Science Monitor.)

Also called ?flopping,? this? form of fraud is not likely to affect you as a homebuyer ? it simply means that home sellers convince the bank to let them sell the house ?short? (for less than what?s owed on the mortgage), sometimes by tearing up the lawn, painting false cracks, and otherwise making it look bad; then they sell it to a friend or family member; then happily roll in profits when that person makes big bucks reselling the place a day or two later. The bank/lender is the primary victim of this crime.

Then there are the various schemes and scams that prey on homeowners having difficulty paying their mortgages; see, for example, the video ?ConsumerWatch: Real Estate Fraud On The Rise In Bay Area.?

But when it comes to simply buying a home, the type of fraud you should probably worry about the most concerns the seller?s representations about the house?s condition. In most U.S. states, sellers are required to fill out a disclosure statement, itemizing the house?s features and pointing out any known defects. (Even in those states that don?t legally require it, savvy buyers can negotiate to receive such a summary.) Unfortunately, the disclosure forms don?t require the seller to actually investigate the property, and they often contain opportunities to fudge an answer (such as the option to check a box saying ?unknown?), leading some sellers to turn a blind eye to problems.

That?s why any home buyer with an ounce of sense will also make the sale contingent upon the right to hire one or more home inspectors, and to be satisfied with the results of the inspectors? reports. A trained home inspector will examine the house from roof to basement, test the various working systems, and point out defects concerning everything from wiring to leakage to foundation issues.

Those two protective mechanisms, the disclosure report and home inspection, are usually enough to uncover the biggest problems with a house.

And yet . . . some home sellers manage to perpetrate more serious forms of fraud, even under the nose of the home inspector. Attorney Ken Goldstein of Massachusetts, for example, says: ??One of the most blatant cases I?ve seen was where, a few weeks after the sale, the new owners heard a crash from the basement. The ceiling?one of those drop structures with a metal framework and tiles fitting in the grid?had just collapsed. The tiles were all soaking wet. Suspiciously, an old kitchen pot was sitting within the wreckage. It turns out there was a leaking pipe up there, and the sneaky seller had apparently removed a tile and put in the pot. That worked to hide the problem through the closing date?but then the pot overfilled.?

Oops. When something like that happens, it?s time to read Nolo?s article on ?Home Defects: Sue the Seller??.


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Tuesday 25 September 2012

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TiVo settles lawsuit against Verizon for $250.4M

Verizon will pay Tivo at least $250.4 million to settle a patent lawsuit related to its DVR technology, and the two have a licensing deal.

The news sent shares of the digital video recording pioneer up more than 7 percent in morning trading.

The two companies agreed to dismiss all pending litigation. They had been scheduled to go to trial in October.

The deal with Verizon is the latest in a string of patent settlements for TiVo, which developed the first commercially available DVR. The device made it easy for people to record programs and watch them later, skipping over ads.

Last year TiVo settled with satellite TV company Dish Network Corp. and its set-top box provider EchoStar Corp. for $500 million, and earlier this year resolved a lawsuit against AT&T Inc. for $215 million. The payments from those settlements are also staggered over several years.

The company has said that the settlements bring its operations closer to profitability. TiVo has posted an annual loss in eight of the past 10 years.

Under the settlement with Verizon Communications Inc., TiVo will get an initial cash payment of $100 million and quarterly payments totaling $150.4 million through July 2018.

Verizon will also pay monthly license fees through July 2018 for each of its DVR subscribers above a certain level.

If the companies work together on certain joint initiatives, $29.4 million of the payment would be subject to a credit.

The companies may also make Internet video services developed through Verizon's joint venture with video rental kiosk Redbox accessible through TiVo's DVRs.

Shares of TiVo, which is based in Alviso, Calif., added 69 cents, or 7.2 percent, to $10.25. Shares of Verizon, which is based in New York, added 13 cents to $45.76.

Associated Press


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Simple Network Marketing Tips That Anyone Can Follow

The more informed you are about network marketing, the more likely you are to succeed. This article showed you how to to learn more about network marketing and become more successful.

Quality is always more critical to success than quantity. You need to get dedicated workers who put all their efforts into creating and expanding their own downline, so both of you can be rewarded.

Gain as much knowledge about your product as possible. The passion and excitement you have about your products shows through to readers in all of the marketing materials you put together. If people see that you are enthusiastic about the product, then they?ll be enthusiastic about selling it too. If you learn about the product enough, you will have an easier time being truthful and genuine when giving reviews to future client.

Learn from the leaders in your industry. You can think about ways to use their experience to determine the path you should take. This will help you avoid the same problems and mistakes they encountered.

Set aside some time to create a firm monthly budget and vow to follow your plan! You must find out how much you will be able to afford to invest into your business to keep it running strong. Consider that you can?t make a profit if you skimp on the budget you set or if you can?t put any money into it when you begin.

When choosing network marketing businesses, be sure to fully analyze their plan for compensation. You should focus on higher overall returns, and getting income from multiple sources. Your first few sales will also be referred to your sponsor. This can be very helpful and is an effective means of gaining leverage for your own efforts.

Set goals when you are network marketing. All facets of your marketing plan require that you set realistic goals to work for. Having goals gives you something to move towards, and this will continually provide you with the motivation that you need.

A nod of the head is more appropriate than a shake of the head when speaking with a potential marketing lead. Your body language has to be just as positive as your choice of words. )

Having other business professionals in your network is a great way to grow your business. Professional business people, particularly those who are in sales and work on commission, know what good work discipline is and are accustomed to seeing the direct correlation between their efforts and their earnings. Additionally, they will help to expand your overall network, yielding more profits.

It is helpful if you personally use the products. By gaining personal experience with the product, you will be better equipped to market it to others. Individuals will notice that you are using the products yourself, and will begin to approach you about them. When you are using the products, you will also have a firsthand knowledge of all of the features.

You should see improvement every time you apply a new tip to your network marketing efforts. Remember that it is all about increasing your revenue. Do everything you can to take what you have learned here and put it into action, so that you can become a success in network marketing

Eric Green AKA

Skype ID: thedigitalgangster

Empower Network

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  1. Get The Most From Your Network Marketing Strategy With These Simple Tips
  2. Simple Network Marketing Tips To Live By
  3. Affiliate Marketing Can Be Simple When You Follow These Tips
  4. Simple Tips To Overall Improvement With Network Marketing
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Monday 24 September 2012

It's a boy for Sarah Michelle Gellar

Neilson Barnard / Getty Images

By Us Weekly

Sarah and Freddie's little Prinze is here!?

Sarah Michelle Gellar recently gave birth to a baby boy in Los Angeles, her rep confirms exclusively to Us Weekly.

"Sarah Michelle and Freddie Prinze, Jr. are thrilled to announce that they welcomed a baby son into the world this past week," the rep tells Us.

PHOTOS: Sarah Michelle Gellar's bump style

The little boy is the second child for the "Ringer" actress, 35, and husband Freddie Prinze Jr., 36, whose daughter Charlotte Grace turned three earlier this month.

"Mother and baby are doing great," the rep adds. "And Charlotte is VERY excited to be a big sister."

Us Weekly exclusively broke news of Gellar's second pregnancy back in April.

PHOTOS: See Sarah Michelle Gellar as a young soap star!

"She and Freddie are thrilled," a friend of the pair told Us of the couple, who celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary on Sept. 1. "They're amazing parents."

The duo first met while making the 1997 horror flick?"I Know What You Did Last Summer" ? and these days, family comes first for the former kid stars.

VIDEO: Sarah Michelle Gellar steals her twin's identity in 'Ringer'

"They still have date nights all the time and have a normal life," an insider told Us. "They both came of age in Hollywood and love working, but their home life is more important to them."

Congratulate the happy couple on our Facebook page.?

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Obama Lead Ticks Up In Florida And Colorado

The bounce President Obama received from the Democratic National Convention has extended to swing states, pushing small leads in Florida and Colorado higher, according to new numbers from Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling (PPP).

Obama leads Republican nominee Mitt Romney 50 percent to 46 percent in a new poll of Florida, and 51 percent to 45 percent in Colorado.

"What's happened over the last three weeks in Florida is pretty simple," said Dean Debnam, president of PPP in a statement. "Voters have warmed up to Barack Obama and they've cooled on Mitt Romney, and as a result Obama's seen an increase in his lead." And in Colorado? "Romney's going to need to get it turned around soon to have a chance at winning the state," Debnam said.

In both states, the president outpaced Romney on which candidate would be better to handle the economy, edging the former governor by 4 points in Florida and 3 points in Colorado. Obama has trailed nationally throughout most of the campaign on who would be better to spur growth, but has moved to a slight lead on the metric after the conventions and as data has showed Americans are feeling more rosy about the economy.

Florida is a big prize for Romney in terms of the electoral map, which has been less favorable to Republicans this cycle. The state's 29 electoral votes would be a big help to Romney's effort ? currently the TPM Electoral Scoreboard shows the GOP with 191 electoral votes either leaning or solidly in their camp of the 270 needed to win.

The president currently leads the PollTracker Average of the presidential race in Florida by 2.1 percent.

Obama was only up a single point in Florida after the Republican National Convention was held in Tampa in late August. After the GOP party meeting, Romney's favorability went positive in PPP's polling, hitting 49 percent favorable against 47 percent unfavorable. Over the last three weeks, things have changed ? Romney's personal rating is now 44 percent favorable against a majority of 51 percent unfavorable.

"Romney's comments about the '47%' this week aren't doing him any favors," PPP wrote in its analysis. "89% of voters are familiar with them and 50% consider them to have been inappropriate to 44% who were ok with them. Most troubling for Romney independent voters considered the comments improper by a 58/37 margin and he trails Obama by a 51/40 spread with those folks who could determine the final outcome in the state."

As for Colorado, the new 6-point lead for Obama is an improvement on the 49 percent to 46 percent advantage he had on Romney at the end of August. PPP found the same trend in the state as they did in Florida ? Obama's job approval hit 50 percent to 47 percent of likely voters who disapprove, while Romney stumbled on his personal rating.

"The key for Obama in Colorado is that he's neutralizing or even holding a small lead with

some of the groups he tends to struggle with," PPP wrote. "For instance he's actually slightly ahead, 49-48, with white voters and when you add his typical 65-29 lead with Hispanics to the mix it gives him his overall healthy lead."

Overall, the president leads the race in Colorado by 2.9 percent in the PollTracker Average.

The PPP polls of Florida and Colorado used automated telephone interviews with likely voters via landline (automated surveys are prohibited from calling cell phones) conducted Sept. 20-23. The Florida sample was 861 and had a margin of error of 3.4 percent, while the Colorado sampled was 940 and it's margin of error was 3.2 percent.


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