Friday 22 June 2012

Man Commitment Issues ? The 7 Common Commitment Issues in ...

Man commitment issues are under the influence of fear as their commitment is being removed from their vocabulary. Their fear can be related to fear of compromise, financial damage, loss of freedom, and loss of privacy. Nonetheless, there can be a lot of justification when men faces commitment issues, but whatever justifications to give, the reality tells us that all women involving in a relationship should have a certain requirement and obligation to know if the person is ready for a commitment or not. This is very significant for all the persons involved in a relationship especially those who are not aware of commitment issues, and who still are not attempting to ask their men if they are into it or not. Do men have more commitment issues than women? According to a reliable source, out of 10 guys that you date, 8 turn to have a fear of commitment.

The most horrible thing in the world of love is falling in love and devoting oneself to a person who doesn?t have any plan to commit without you knowing it. If heartbreak is painful, so is love without commitment. The most painful part is when you thought you will be forever as married couple yet issues facing men on their commitment drive them away without giving you warning.

A fulfilling relationship, as they say, always asks for a nurturing from both men and women. However, when your men are fearful in terms of problems that will come on their way during the relationship. Once they get into it, they feel like being frozen, trapped and find their way out, then you need to find ways on how men with commitment issues can overcome it and can eventually say, ?will you marry me??.

Although you are facing with such dilemma, it is important to note those men commitment issues that hinder them to bravely face the relationship until the end.

Loss of Dating More Than 1 Woman - Men accept the fact that they love dating multiple women and would even go after them. As such, when commitment is established, then dating times are to be removed. It is a must to focus only to one woman whom he is committed with. That?s the time that men feels trapped and controlled causing them to leave the woman.

Scared From Other Married Men?s Stories ? Men usually hear this at work from co-workers who tell stories that their married life force them to do things that they never wanted to do before. They even emphasize on unpleasant things in marriage, their newly adopted life and the new responsibility attached to it. Men hearing those stories make them step back and would stay only on a dating-dating relationship without strings attached.

Mama?s Boy - We cannot erase the idea of men becoming so close to their mother to the point of listening more on their mom than to the girlfriend. When their mother talks of commitment issues and facts about marriage (pleasant and unpleasant), then men are discouraged to commit in a long-term relationship and fear deeply of the responsibility.

Financially Unstable - Men?s ego plays an important role in this issue. As men, they are responsible to support their soon to be family financially. If they think they cannot support them at this time, then commitment is a NO for them.

Dependent - The idea of commitment for men are to be independent in deciding and problem solving. When men are dependent, they are more likely on a home where they can ask whatever they want and are just going with the flow. Entering into a commitment for them can change them whole, and that is one of the reasons why they fear saying I LOVE YOU or WILL YOU MARRY ME.

No Firm Decision - There are women who believe that their men are honest when they say they want to be in a committed relationship, and somewhere in the relationship men change and decide that a fully committed relationship is not for them; frustration, hurt and depression happen in women.

Emotional Damage - This is more likely an effect of the past bad experiences men had on their relationship. They may have a hard time getting over with it and they cannot afford to trust anyone especially in a relationship.

Issues like these imply that men are truly afraid of commitment. When women who are finding a long-lasting relationship with men, who have all those issues and cannot afford to commit, can only give them unhappiness and frustration. On the other hand, it is important for women to decide firmly whether to stop or continue getting hurt. It is for every women?s perspective on how they can solve the problem and get through with men commitment issues, and it is also for every men?s perspective on whether to commit or not. However, issues call for responsibility, independence, maturity, firmness and stability should be faced by men and not to be disregarded. When men are afraid of responsibility, they should start becoming responsible. When will they start being one? When they are too old enough? When men are not prepared for independence, then start deciding simple and basic things. You cannot learn to take in control of your life when you don?t allow yourself to be one. When you are not firm on your decision, then make it a habit to say YES or NO all the way. It takes weeks or months to form a habit, so do it daily as you can. When men are unstable, and then learn to control money wasting. Stop buying those unnecessary things and save for rainy days. As such, issues must not hinder men to commit. Remember, you could not ask for more when you get into a relationship with the desire to be forever happy with him/her.

Man Commitment Issues - The 7 Common Commitment Issues in Man

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